Tag: aspiration

  • Striving for the Breakthrough

    S13.1 Abhisamayasa.mutta, Connected Discourses on the Breakthrough, translated by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi(ATI translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu) Thus I have heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Saavatthi in Jeta’s Grove, Anaathapi.n.dika’s Park. Then the Blessed One took up a little bit of soil in his fingernail and addressed the bhikkhus thus:  “Bhikkhus, what…

  • Benefit of the Holy Life

    Majjhima Nikaya MN29.6. Mahaasaaropama Sutta: The Greater Discourse on the Simile of the Heartwood (มหาสาโรปมสูตร) “Bhikkhus, here some clansman goes forth out of faith from the home life to homelessness, considering: ‘I am a victim of birth, ageing, and death, of sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair; I am a victim of suffering, a prey…

  • Positive Affirmations

    One way I found to help me achieve goals is to do regular positive affirmations.1. Write out 3-5 important short term goals such as “I am growing slim and healthy each day”“I am getting stronger and fitter all the time”“I am confident and resilient despite discouraging remarks from others”“I can achieve whatever goals I set”…

  • Escape the Sinking Burning Ship

    The following simile is one of my attempts to explain what motivates me to take the Dhamma journey, simplify life, meditate and so on. People see things in quite different ways, with different values, different assumptions and knowledge about reality. This leads people to adopt different behaviour and morality. Because of how we view reality…

  • Four Factors for Success Applied to Worthy Projects

    May everyone successfully complete worthy projects. May those projects be beneficial and not harmful. I would like to share the four factors for success – chanda, viriya, citta and vimamsaa also known collectively in Paali language as the iddhipaada. [source: Samyuttanikaaya 51.1-86] 1. Chanda is the sincere wish to accomplish your goal. It manifests as…