Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sick and Dying

    Samyuttanikaaya S22.88 Assaji (อัสสชิสูตร)On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Raajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion the Venerable Assaji was dwelling at Kassapaka’s Park, sick, afflicted, gravely ill. Then the Venerable Assaji addressed his attendants: “Come, friends, approach the Blessed One, pay homage to him in my…

  • Death as Process

    A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Abhidhammattha Sangaha of Ācariya Anuruddha By Anuruddha, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bodhi, Nārada, Revatadhamma, U Sīlānanda Published by Buddhist Publication Society, 1999First BPS Pariyatti Edition, 2000 ISBN : 1928706029EAN : 9781928706021Cover : PaperbackPages : 432Size : 214 x 214mm The advent of death is fourfold, namely: (i) through the expiration of…

  • Death – Understanding the Inevitable

    Majjhima Nikaya MN.9.21-23 Sammaadi.t.thi Sutta: Right View (AGEING AND DEATH) [spoken by Mahaathera Saariputta] (สัมมาทิฏฐิสูตร) 21. “When, friends, a noble disciple understands ageing and death, the origin of ageing and death, the cessation of ageing and death, and the way leading to the cessation of ageing and death, in that way he is one of…

  • Abandon what is not yours

    Majjhima Nikaya MN.22. Alagadduupama Sutta: The Simile of the Snake (อลคัททูปมสูตร) 40. “Therefore, bhikkhus whatever is not yours, abandon it, when you have abandoned it, that will lead to your welfare and happiness for a long time. What is it that is not yours? Material form (ruupa) is not yours. Abandon it. When you have…

  • Love and Attachment

    In a worldly way, it is normal and praiseworthy that people are attached to family and friends. We are expected to display emotions that imply deep attachment and concern for our loved ones. In a Buddhist way, we try to remove attachment to all things including family and friends because any attachment is unsatisfactory and…

  • Resilience

    Yogis on retreats sometimes note pleasant feelings or painful feelings. Early in the retreat, the yogi may have relatively weak controlling faculties indriya [1. confidence saddha 2. wisdom/discernment panna 3. mindfulness sati 4. concentration samaadhi and 5. energy viriya] and not be very well developed or resilient. The yogi may be distracted by the various…

  • Living with Imperfection

    People live in imperfect situations. Albert Otto Hirschman wrote about the daily choice of exit, voice and loyalty. We can leave, act to improve or find the advantage in staying. None of these options is better or worse than another. People with partial views may prefer one or other options and make claims for the…

  • Birth

    Majjhima Nikaya MN.9. Sammaadi.t.thi Sutta: Right View [spoken by Mahaathera Saariputta] (สัมมาทิฏฐิสูตร) 26. “And what is birth, what is the origin of birth, what is the cessation of birth, what is the way leading to the cessation of birth? The birth of beings in the various orders of beings, their coming to birth, precipitation [in…

  • Mental Occupations – Skilful Mental Objects

    Beginners may develop a skilful mind by cultivatingthe five controlling faculties (indriya) and the five mental powers (bala)1. confidence (saddha)2. wisdom/discernment (panna)3. mindfulness (sati)4. concentration (samaadhi) and5. energy (viriya) andthe seven enlightenment factors (bojjha’nga) 1. mindfulness (sati)2. investigation (dhammavicaya)3. energy (viriya)4. joy/rapture (piiti)5. tranquillity (passadhi)6. concentration (samaadhi) and7. equanimity (upekkhaa) The four right strivings (samma-padhaana)…

  • Positive Affirmations

    One way I found to help me achieve goals is to do regular positive affirmations.1. Write out 3-5 important short term goals such as “I am growing slim and healthy each day”“I am getting stronger and fitter all the time”“I am confident and resilient despite discouraging remarks from others”“I can achieve whatever goals I set”…

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