Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Perth to Yangon

    My plans are clearer now though by no means certain. Postponed Trip to IndiaI am following good advice from friends and family not to go to India before the retreat in Myanmar.The disadvantages and inconveniences:1. I would be travelling there alone on the first trip and this is inherently stressful. It may be better for…

  • First Jhaana – the Path to Englightenment

    The first sutta extract below is a story told by Lord Buddha about a time when he was a 7 year old prince (a bodhisatta) attending a brahmin style royal ploughing ceremony performed by his father, King Suddhodana. He was left alone briefly while most people were engrossed in the spectacle. Majjhima Nikaya MN36.31 Mahaasaccaka…

  • Middle Way

    The following discourse is addressed to ascetics who have dedicated their lives to the practice leading to liberation. Lord Buddha uses forthright language to encourage monks and nuns to put aside thoughts and behaviours associated with lay lives. Even so, non-ascetics, lay people, even married couples have successfully practiced restraint of the senses for short…

  • Beyond Temptation

    Majjhima Nikaya MN.106. Aane~njasappaya Sutta: The Way to the Imperturbable (อาเนญชสัปปายสูตร) 2. “Bhikkhus, sensual pleasures are impermanent, hollow, false, deceptive; they are illusory, the prattle of fools. Sensual pleasures here and now and sensual pleasures in lives to come, sensual perceptions here and now and sensual perceptions in lives to come–both alike are Maara‘s realm,…

  • Sensual Pleasure

    It is not easy for most people in the world to see the danger in sensual pleasures. Even fewer would believe that there could possibly be pleasures that are non-sensual. So much is the notion of pleasure tied with sensuality in our daily lives. Lord Buddha taught followers that the sensual pleasures are gross compared…

  • Comparing Tipitaka Versions

    Generally, I prefer the translations prepared by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi over those by Venerable Thanissaro Bhikkhu, available on Access to Insight. Sometimes, this comes down to a preference for translating technical terms such as pa~n~naa as either ‘wisdom’ or ‘discernment’. Nevertheless, I have found that reading Ven. Thanissaro’s translations with their varient technical terms, sometimes…

  • Portable Media Player

    I bought a Cowon iaudio S9 portable media player about three weeks ago. I bought it to listen to discourses and Dhamma lectures while commuting to and from work and to take with me travelling later. I previously was able to read translations of discourses such as The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A…

  • Leaving Perth

    Travel OptionsMy work contract will expire on 19 March. It is not certain yet but seems unlikely that my employer will extend my contract. I excited to be on track to recommence the journey. I am considering the various options for travelling to Myanmar. I will have a six month meditation visa for Myanmar so…

  • Dhamma Study Database

    After work now while waiting for the savings to accrue and the date for my departure to Myanmar, I read and transcribe the essential suttas or portions of suttas that have inspired me so far and seem to be rich in meaning. It is hard to say this bit is more valuable than that bit.…

  • Bhikkhu Bodhi

    Present day students of the Dhamma using English language translations owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi. May he live long and be free from suffering. I once had a large and eclectic collection of books. Once I decided I was going to focus on the spiritual life, I gave away most…

Got any book recommendations?