Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Factors for Sotapanna

    This list is from the Sa.myutta Nikaaya, Mahavagga, SN.V.55.5. Association with superior persons (Ariyapuggala) Hearing the true Dhamma Careful attention – Yoniso Manasikaara Practice in accordance with the Dhamma

  • Ten Bases for Meritorious Deeds

    The following list of ten bases for meritorious deeds (pu~n~nakiriyavathu) shows ten ways to develop wholesome karma for the sense sphere (kammavacarakuala.m). I believe this list is from a commentary on the Dharma. I strongly recommend everyone memorize this list and make strenuous efforts to put the list into practice. This will be for your…

  • Nine ways to Sharpen the Controlling Faculties – Indriyas

    I copied/paraphrased these nine ways from two different English language translations of Ven. Sayadaw U Kundala’s Burmese language transcriptions of Dhamma talks. I’m sorry I don’t have the citation details since I left the books in Yangon. These nine ways are also in the Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) by Ven. Buddhaghosa, in the section…

  • Mahasi Sasana Yeithka Foreign Meditators July 2009

    Sayadaw U Jatila is a brother of Sayadaw U Lakkhana who is also a leading vipassana meditation teacher in the tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw. Both teachers have travelled and taught overseas, though both relied heavily on translators. Sayadaw U Jatila teaches at MSY for about six months every year from about June to November and…

  • Out of Yangon – happy and well

    I left Yangon and arrived in Bangkok on Friday, 7 August. It was not convenient to write blogs in Yangon though I sometimes went to Internet cafes and wrote e-mails. Most of the time I was meditating at either Saddhamaransi Yeithka (about 4 months) or Mahasi Sasana Yeithka (3 weeks). I’ll write more about some…

  • Abandon the Raft

    The Alagadduupama Sutta (Majjhimanikaaya – M22) contains several similes, though the simile perhaps most quoted is the simile of the raft. The raft being the Dhamma, in the sense of being the teaching of Lord Buddha. We must be careful not to abandon the raft too early though. In some discussion groups I’ve noted that…

  • Purification for the Sake of What?

    Majjhima Nikaya MN24.15. Rathavinita Sutta: The Relay Chariots (รถวินีตสูตร) “So too, friend,(1) purification of virtue is for the sake of reaching purification of mind;(2) purification of mind is for the sake of reaching purification of view;(3) purification of view is for the sake of reaching purification by overcoming doubt;(4) purification by overcoming doubt is for…

  • Benefit of the Holy Life

    Majjhima Nikaya MN29.6. Mahaasaaropama Sutta: The Greater Discourse on the Simile of the Heartwood (มหาสาโรปมสูตร) “Bhikkhus, here some clansman goes forth out of faith from the home life to homelessness, considering: ‘I am a victim of birth, ageing, and death, of sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair; I am a victim of suffering, a prey…

  • Last Day in the Office

    Today was my last day at work. I had a pending holiday that could not be converted to cash so I had to “use it or lose it”. Tomorrow, my last day in Perth will be a holiday for me. I shall use the day to do a few small chores, eat dinner at my…

  • Formless Attainments

    Majjhima Nikaya MN26. Ariyapariyesanaa Sutta: The Noble Search (ปาสราสิสูตร)(also known as the Paasaraasi Sutta: The Heap of Snares – the Thai translation has this second title) The Lord Buddha gives the bhikkhus gives a summary of his search for enlightenment. The sutta covers the then Bodhisatta’s training period with two eminent teachers. Aa.laara Kaalaama and…

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