Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Remedies for Restless Minds
Five HindrancesLord Buddha identified five hindrances (nivaarana) to mental development: lust, anger, sleepiness, restlessness and doubt. There are many synonyms for these hindrances and other commentators may use different words. A keen student who is not familiar with these five hindrances would do well to study them further. Essentially these five hindrances are symptoms of…
Restraint of the Six Sense Bases
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya ; Translated from the Pāli by Bhikkhu BodhiSelected discourses from the Salaayatanasamyutta – Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases SN.35.96 (3) Decline Sutta, p.1178 … “And how, bhikkhus, is one subject to decline? Here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu has seen a form…
Restraint of the Six Sense Bases
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya ; Translated from the Pāli by Bhikkhu BodhiSelected discourses from the Salaayatanasamyutta – Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases SN.35.96 (3) Decline Sutta, p.1178 … “And how, bhikkhus, is one subject to decline? Here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu has seen a form…
New Job and New President
I start a new public service job on 11 November. I have a 4 month contract until mid March 2009. This suits me fine. The salary will be sufficient for me to save and to continue on my journey. My primary goal is to travel to Myanmar and do a 6-12 month intensive meditation retreat.…
Jhaana – Absorption
Jhaana is a Paali word that may be translated as absorption. “The jhānas are states of meditation where the mind is free from the five hindrances (craving, aversion, sloth, agitation, doubt) and (from the second jhāna onwards) incapable of discursive thinking. The deeper jhānas can last for many hours. When a meditator emerges from jhāna,…
Four Factors for Success Applied to Worthy Projects
May everyone successfully complete worthy projects. May those projects be beneficial and not harmful. I would like to share the four factors for success – chanda, viriya, citta and vimamsaa also known collectively in Paali language as the iddhipaada. [source: Samyuttanikaaya 51.1-86] 1. Chanda is the sincere wish to accomplish your goal. It manifests as…
I’m recovering from a cold. Other family members had it before me and recovered already. I’ve been applying for many jobs in the WA and federal governments, many in policy development and project management roles. I’ve had a few interviews and two confirmed rejects. Many applications still pending. I’m confident the right job will come…
It is ironic that only one month ago, I was working in a Government unit that monitored and approved funding for Centrelink. Last week, I registered as a Centrelink job seeker. One month ago, I was netting over $1000 per week and now I have no income. Centrelink, New Start allowance is not available for…
Debt free
My plan now is to find employment as soon as possible and live cheaply while saving money to continue my journey. I’ve been looking at job vacancies in the WA state government, universities and state branches of Commonwealth government departments. There seem to be quite a few positions that may suit my experience and background.…
I am feeling better physically. I have slept well since finishing the moving and packing. My family have welcomed me very warmly here. My plans are delayed because I don’t have enough money. I have about $2300 in savings. Zero debt on credit cards. $2500 in personal loan debt. I have $1680 bond but this…
Got any book recommendations?