This page has many possible interpretations for the logo that I designed for the website and associated business materials on 19 November 2019.
The logo resembles a Buddhist Wheel of the Dharma and a nautical ship steering wheel for guiding ships at sea. Both are symbols of guidance; inspiring direction and bearings amid chaos.
The logo can be interpreted as a mandala in the Buddhist Vajrayana tradition.
This logo has a center violet circle to represent divinity and deep truth of the unconditioned, unbound – nirvana.
The four cardinal indigo circles are for the four noble truths of Buddha Dharma and the four types of noble (awakened) persons (ariyapuggala). The four sky blue circles are for people on the spiritual paths to these awakened states.
White in the background traditionally would refer to the faithful lay followers of the Buddha, 2600 years ago. In this context, the Buddha represents a fully awakened state rather than an historical person. So white represents all beings aspiring to full awakening.
The outer violet circle is our limited human perception of the universe.
Chakras and numbers
Of the many possible interpretations of the logo, the association with chakras and numbers maybe more obvious to people interested in energy healing. The three colors violet, indigo and sky blue are the top three chakra colors. White color incorporates all other colors and is very wholesome for healing.
There are 11 circles (if we count the inner and outer lines for the outer circle). Eleven is an auspicious number. Aquarius is the 11th astrological sign.
Neolithic and Indigenous
This logo is similar to European neolithic (around 5,000 years ago) cup and ring marks found carved in stone at many locations in Europe. I personally saw examples in Scotland and Ireland in 2016. Similar ancient cup and ring marks are found around the world.
The European neolithic and bronze age sun/wheel cross is visible twice in the logo.
The logo resembles Indigenous American medicine wheels.
This logo is based on a square and octagon. The flower of life is based on a hexagon.
Astronomical and geographical
Another interpretation for the logo includes the astronomical symbols for:
The logo states that we are present here and now. “X marks the spot” and there is a circle around it for emphasis.
The logo represents the four cardinal directions and four inter-cardinal directions. This supports the guidance meaning of the Dharma wheel and ship’s wheel above.
The logo also resembles the chaos star symbol for chaos magick.
kalyaano.com business
Healing is white color and the cross. Truth and Dharma is the central violet circle. Meditation and mindfulness is the four violet circles representing the four establishments of mindfulness. Friendship (sometimes known as counselling support) is the sky blue circles representing clear communication within a context of truth and mindfulness. Travel is the outer violet circle of expanding boundaries of consciousness to infinity.

Dear reader, apparently simple things may have many meanings and interpretations, including this website logo. It depends on one’s perceptions, cultural context and discernment.
Wholesome inspiration
The website slogan is: channeling wholesomeness. By purifying ourselves, making our minds and bodies a sacred space, we automatically channel wholesomeness. As we channel wholesomeness, whatever is not wholesome is gradually washed away. As a friend (playing a role as “guide” or “healer”) my aspiration is to channel wholesomeness and encourage and support others to channel wholesomeness for their highest good and for the highest good of all. Healers activate the healing capability of themselves and the people they work with.
May dear readers be inspired by this logo, the slogan and all the content on this website.
I created this logo using https://designapp.io/app in 2019.