Michael in blue October 2019
This website is a way for me to continue channeling wholesomeness by connecting with other human beings, to share information and to deliver services in person or remotely.

Michael Kalyaano business card
For channeling wholesomeness, I previously offered these services:
- healing Reiki energy and loving spirits
- guiding mental development
- guiding by informal guiding, coaching, mentoring
- guiding as a travel consultant or travel companion
- writing a blog, journals and more
I stopped offering these services a while ago and had not updated the website until November 2022). More blog posts may appear in the near future.
You may contact me by using the contact page or by sending an email to my last name at Gmail dot com.
I have been resident in Glasgow, Scotland since January 2020. I am looking for income to fund further travel and metaphysical study/training. Whatever happens, I continue life with the intention of channelling wholesomeness.
You will find more information about me on the about page. I offer many possible interpretations of the logo and also interpret my slogan “channeling wholesomeness”.
I launched this website on: 28 October 2019.
I respect your privacy and supports your safety online. This website is secured by SSL.
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